Destur, ya Sayyiduna, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Destur Ya Sultanu-l Anbiya Meded, ya Sayyidi
    Meded, ya Sayyidi Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya!

    As-salamu alaikum!
    Audhubi-llahi mina shaytani rajim
    Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim
    La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l Aliyu-l Azim.

    May Allah bless this humble meeting and this humble association with our Grandsheikh.  If
    a person is with a ‘Big One’  that honour comes on him too.  According to the knowledge
    that has reached to me people are now going in two different directions.  Some of them
    are following the ‘Big Ones.’  The ‘Big Ones’ are those who carry greatness from Allah
    Almighty.  When Allah Almighty dresses Heavenly Greatness on a person, then that
    person is a ‘Big One’ or a great man.  If however Allah Almighty does not give this
    however much people are trying to make this person a ‘Big One’ they will not be
    successful.  Even if all the people in the world call such a person a ‘Big One’ he is not
    going to be a ‘Big One’ or a great person.  These are the two ways that people are now
    going on.  Even if all the nations say that such a one is a ‘Big One’ or a big man he is not
    going to be a ‘Big One.’  What is that tower in London called?  It is called the Big Ben.  If a
    person is near this will he become a big man or a person near the parliament will he be a
    ‘Big One’ – big bang.    People may say that so and so is a ‘Big One,’ but he is really not a
    big man because he is really nothing.  

    Jesus Christ was a big man and so was Ibrahim (alai).  They were both great ones.  The
    Seal of Prophets, Seyyadina Muhammed (sal) was the greatest one.  It may be that
    certain people may not accept this.  These people are ignorant.  Why is that they do not
    accept the greatness of Seyyadina Muhammed (sal).  If he was not a great personality
    how is it that he was able to make billions of people say, “Ashadu an la ilaha illallah wa
    ashadu anna Muhammad ur Rasoolullah.”  Yes, billions of people are saying this five
    times daily.  Are people paying money to the muezzin (the person who calls for prayer) so
    that he is forced to say this?  Jesus Christ was a great one, but can people say this of
    him?  This is because Muhammed (sal) is the greatest one and Jesus Christ cannot reach
    to the greatness level of Seyyadina Muhammed (sal), the Seal of Prophets. Seyyadina
    Muhammed (sal) is over the greatness of everyone throughout all creation.  There is no
    one in the Divine Presence like him and he is the only one with such greatness.   
    Seyyadina Muhammed (sal) grew up in an unknown desert and he was also an orphan.  
    He had no armies nor did he have any treasures.  Yet he was elected and selected in the
    Divine Presence to be the greatest one among the whole of creation.

    Today, people are all asking to be ‘Big Ones’.  They think that they are as big as Big
    Ben.  This is all.  Their bigness level reach up to the size of the Big Ben and no more and
    then they say, “Oh Sheikh we are making rockets to reach beyond the skies and into
    space and this is how we try to be great ones.”  This is like writing a script for the cinema.  
    First they write the script and then they make the film.  They make the rocket and
    according to their imagination they think that they are big ones.  They put this man on a
    rocket and send him into space and they think that they are ‘Big Ones’ or great ones,
    because they think that now that they have reached to very high levels.  This is not real
    greatness to get up from earth into space.  No this is not real greatness.  This is only
    shaitanic teaching, which turns away people from right understanding to wrong
    understanding.  The Seal of Prophets, Seyyadina Muhammed (sal), who is the greatest
    one throughout all creation reached to the highest point on the Night Journey (Mihraj)
    without using rockets.  He reached to a level above which there were no other levels.  

    In these times people think that they are great ones if they dress up in uniforms and think
    they are great by taking power over their nations.  They say, “I am your Lord” as Pharaoh
    said, “I am your greatest Lord, the greatest God.”  It is only something that they say with
    their mouths.  Pharaoh never reached to greatness.  In the same way Nimrod too tried to
    reach to greatness, but in truth he never reached greatness.  During the Prophet’s (sal)
    time Abu Jahl too tried to be greater than the Prophet (sal).  He wanted to be number
    one.  He wanted to be the first one.  But what happened to him, he became zero, a person
    of no value.

    Oh people you must try to be honoured through something that is a grant from the Lord of
    Heavens.  But people think differently now.  People are now mostly materialistic and they
    judge everything with materialistic values and aspects.  They try to give greatness to a
    person because of his richness, or because of his power or because of his positions.  
    This is a wrong way.  They are asking to be a ‘Big One’ through the wrong way and
    searching to be ‘Big ones’ through the wrong way.

    Greatness is a grant from the Heavens.  It is not granted to a person who is looking for
    richness, for power or to be a ruler of nations.  This is the wrong way.  Everyone wants to
    be a ‘Big One’ because this gives them honour among people.  This is why everybody
    wants to be a VIP (very important person).  They want to be VIPs through material aspects
    and this is wrong.  Materially a person cannot become great nor can he get honour.  If
    honour had been given for material aspects, Pharaoh and Nimrod would have been great
    ones, but they never reached to greatness on earth.  They were happy to be on earth
    and to belong to earth and this is material.  Materially one may be able to move perhaps
    to a very small distance – from earth to some place, but after that he won’t be able to
    move because materially you cannot move in space.

    This grant is given to the real servants of Allah Almighty.  They are dressed in honour and
    they will be able to move through the stars, through the galaxies and through the sun due
    to a power and capacity given to them.  No harm shall come to them.  When they are
    dressed with that Heavenly Dress nothing can touch them or harm them.  They may move
    everywhere because they do not belong to the material aspects.

    Now people are tied down by material things.  They think that if they are rich that they may
    move through space and Allah Almighty says, “I have created this huge universe and you
    can reach, yes, you can reach through this universe but you cannot do so with material
    means.  When you become my sincere servants I shall dress you with honoured dressings
    and you shall have Heavenly Honour by these dressings so that you will be able to move
    in every direction of my creation and also you will be saluted by everything.”  The
    salutation will be when they say, “Oh our Lord’s servant, merhaba, honour to you!  Oh our
    Lord’s real servant, we have been ordered to obey your commands and to give you
    anything that you may ask and to help you to reach to higher and higher levels in our
    creators Divine Presence.”  

    Everything helps this person to reach to high levels and still above this level to a higher
    level in reaching to the Divine Presence and there are never ending levels for these
    people who are asking to be real sincere servants and who do not look to the material
    world.  What is important for them is to be more obedient to their Lord and they are
    always asking for more authority to come even more close to the Heavens and to the
    Divine Presence.

    Mankind is now closed up within materiality.  They have been imprisoned by the heavy
    walls of materialism and they cannot move.  They are now looking and not seeing,
    touching and not understanding, knowing but never reaching because they are
    imprisoned.  The Lord of heavens sent us to take away these material walls that are now
    surrounding us, to break them and to be in space which belongs to our spirituality and we
    have been granted Divine Greatness there.  However imprisoned people cannot reach to
    this and yet they are happy to be in this prison and they say, “It is enough for us to be as
    we are.  We do not believe that beyond this material being there is another dimension.”  
    So they remain there and become people without any value.  They will be taken away as
    there is no value for them.

    Oh people you are sitting here with me now and for your honour we are receiving some
    inspirations from Heavenly People and we are speaking to you on this. I am hearing also
    some very important points concerning the life of mankind and I am trying to explain to
    you about the real ‘greatness dressing’ that the Lord of Heavens is going to dress you in.  
    We are trying to call people, “Come out from your prisons.  Come and look beyond your
    five senses and you should find another distance, another land and more stations which
    do not belong to materiality.  Come out of your prisons!  Come out and you shall be
    happy forever.”  You should reach to this if you destroy your prison and get out.  Now you
    are like a chick inside the egg and you are so happy to be there and now you are hearing
    from your Lord, “Oh my creature touch the walls that surrounds you and get out and you
    shall find that which is beyond what you can even imagine.”  So they should break the
    walls and come out and if you tell them after coming out of their prison or egg shell,
    “Come in again” they would shout out “no, no never.”  Therefore those who break down
    their material selves should find a space of eternity and eternal life.

    Oh people come and listen to the Prophets’ announcements and declaration which is
    brought from the heavens that they have broken down their material walls and have got
    out and are calling out to you, “Come and follow us.”  Shaitan says, “Don’t believe them,
    come with me and enjoy all the many material things.”  This is the real crisis.  It is not an
    economic crisis but a spiritual crisis, which makes people to be in prison.  If people are to
    be granted all the treasures of this world still they will not be happy because they will still
    be in prison, in the prison of materiality.  It shall then be written on their forehead
    “materialist” and beyond this “atheist.”  They shall then fall down into a deep well through
    which they will not be able to find happiness through themselves and everything else.  
    Today people have been granted everything from material things but this does not make
    them happy.  Yes, they are unhappy.

    May Allah forgive me and bless you.  May Allah give us an understanding to prevent our
    egos from running after the material world and instead make us to try to get Wings of
    Heavens and to go higher and higher.  Shaitan is making a scenario for you of material
    things and aspects.  I was asking from you for a word, and the word is ‘scenario,’ but none
    of you gave me this word and all of you are ghafilun – heedless people.  You are only
    looking at me but not understanding what I say.  Oh Lord give us good understanding to
    follow the way of the Prophets, more particularly the way of the Seal of Prophets in order
    to reach to the Heavens and not towards dunya (the world).  Dunya is under our feet and
    the Heavens is towards your head.  Don’t put your head down and your feet up.  Allah
    Almighty created you in a perfect form and your head is above and your feet below.  But
    today people are changing it and they are trying to put the feet up and the heads down.

    May Allah send us from his sultans the one who is going to destroy all the satanic schools,
    the satanic teachings and to save the people.  May Allah bless you and forgive me for the
    honour of the most honoured one in the Divine Presence Seyyidina Muhammed (Sal).
